Summary of Thai Hilo betting forms at JLSLOT game portal

Thai Hilo is a dice game with 3 different dice that many players at the house love to choose. The rules of the game are simple, giving players many betting opportunities. In the following article, we will go through the most basic forms of Thai Hilo over/under-betting at JLSLOT with bettors.

Basic terms in the Thai Hilo dice game

Basic terms in the Thai Hilo dice game
  • Before going into the betting forms at the JLSLOT game portal. We invite new players to join us in summarizing the commonly used terms in this game below:
  • Dice: It is a dice with a total of 6 cube faces. In which, each bet on the number of dots or numbers will correspond from 1 to 6. Dice is considered the soul of the Thai Hilo game casino.
  • Single bet: The player predicts whether a number in the range from 1 to 6 will appear at least once in the 3 dice.
  • Double bet: The player predicts whether a pair of numbers will appear on the 3 dice with a high payout rate.
  • Pair bet: The player predicts an exact pair of numbers appearing on the 3 dice.
  • Triple bet: The player predicts which triple of the same number will appear on the 3 dice.
  • Storm bet: The player will bet on whether the 3 dice will be in a triple of the same number.

Summary of Thai Hilo dice betting setups JLSLOT game portal

Summary of Thai Hilo dice betting forms at JLSLOT game portal

Thai dice game offers a variety of betting options for players to choose from. Typically:

Hilo Betting Odds

This bet is similar to the total bet in the Sicbo game. That is, the player will bet on a total of 3 dice. If the player guesses the result correctly and meets all the conditions, he will be considered a winner. For example, when the bettor places a bet on Hi 15. The result returned by the JLSLOT dealer is 6-5-4. The player will be considered a winner and receive a reward according to the given rate. Or the player places a bet on Lo 7 and the result is 2-1-4. The JLSLOT dealer will consider the player a winner. If the player bets on Hilo total of 9, the result is 3-3-3. The player will be considered a loser and lose all the bet capital.

Hilo 11 Bet

In contrast to Hilo betting, players will bet on a total of 3 dice 11. If the result is 11 for the total of 3 dice. JLSLOT Vip will count the player as a winner.

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For example, player A bets on 11 Hilo at JLSLOT Club. The 3 dice after spinning will return 4-5-2. At this time, the player will be counted as a winner by JLSLOT.

Bet 6, 5, 1

This is a bet where the player will bet on the appearance of that dice. The total of the 3 dice will be called Lo by the player. In the case of a 3-dice result, typically 111 555 or 666, the player will be considered a loser. For example, the player bets 5 LO. The final result of the dice is 5-1-2, which is a total of 8. The player will be counted as a winner by the JLSLOT dealer and receive a reward. Conversely, if the bet on 5 Lo is 5-6-4, which is a total of 15, the player will be considered a loser.

3-number bet in Thai dice game portal JLSLOT

3-number bet in Thai dice game portal JLSLOT

This is a bet where the player will bet on the appearance of 3 dice 3. So here is the total of 3 dice, which is 9 points. In case the result returns the dice exactly 3 or 3-3-3. The player will be counted as a loser by JLSLOT Club and lose capital. For example, the player will bet 3 Lo and if the dice returns with a total of 14, which is 3-5-6, it will be counted as a loss. On the contrary, if the total is 8, which is 3-4-1, the player will be counted as a winner.

6 Hi Dice Thai Betting 

The player will bet on the appearance of the 6 dice. In which, Hi is the total of these 3 dice. If the result is a set of 3 dice, including 666. The bettor will be considered a loser and lose all initial bet capital. For example, if the dice totals 15 with the numbers 4-5-6, the player is considered a winner. If the dice total 9 with the numbers 6-2-1, the player will be considered a loser.


Hopefully, the above sharing from the JLSLOT game portal will help gamers understand the Thai dice betting odds. If you need any more information about Thai Hilo betting share your experience in playing Thai Hilo effectively. Do not hesitate to contact us at the following address for dedicated advice. Wish you success in betting on Thai Hilo games at JLSLOT.

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